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 | Keep Clean On Trail (Bathroom, Bathing, Shaving, Laundry, Hygiene, Periods, etc.) 00:00 Hey y’all00:37 General Tips for Staying As Fresh and Clean As You Want ... |
 | Backpacking First Aid (What To Carry + Foot Care, Snakes, Poison Plants, Hypothermia, etc) 00:34 Foot Care 00:42 Properly Sizing Footwear 02:36 Keep Y... |
 | Water Purification and Filtration on the Trail 00:51 Considerations For Which Method to Use01:14 Boiling02:22 UV Light Purifier... |
 | Backpacking Around Dangerous Bugs (Ticks, Mosquitoes, Spiders, Wasps) 00:34 General Tips01:53 Ticks04:33 Mosquitoes07:02 Bees and Wasps09:12 SpidersEp... |
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Opis: Ghiacciai è un passaggio roccioso all’interno del Parco naturale delle Alpi Marittime che collega il Vallone di Monte Colomb col Vallone Gesso della Barra, di conseguenza il Bivacco Moncalieri (2710 m) col rifugio Ellena Soria (1840 m).