Genetic Drifter (5.14c/8c+) Wild Iris, WY

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Genetic Drifter is a mega link up of three climbs on the Rodeo Wave Wall in Wild Iris, WY.

The first four bolts are the crux of a 5.14a called 'Rodeo Free Europe'', a long v11 on shallow one and two finger pockets. Then you get a quick shake and bust left to the crux of a 5.13c called 'Atomic Stetson'. The hardest moves on the climb are transitioning left, (a two move v10), where you pull into a shallow two finger gastone and get a bad undercling, to move into the v8 crux of Atomic Stetson. Once you get through the Stetson crux, you have a burley transition to a 13b called 'Cow Reggae'. You get a quick shake on a good three finger pocket for your left, and a deep mono pocket for your right. Then you bust through the crux of Cow Reggae, around v7, which is the redpoint crux of the whole link up. Once you're through that, you have a few exit moves to the chains! Badass!!!!!