Podobni Video posnetki:
 | Pangor is Classic North Shore Jank The more I ride this XC race bike, the more I fall in love with it. Here's a fas... |
 | I Bought an XC Bike for The North Shore You'll never know if you never try, right? This Revolver ended up being way more... |
 | MTB - Hydrocut, Kitchener, Ontario - Sweet Street, Jake's and Dead Camel Bend Don't worry, winter won't be holding back the weekly uploads!, just have to go b... |
 | MTB - Alice Lake, Squamish, BC - Dirk's Diggler to Bearly Adequate Nothing says get to the bottom like a nice view of an incoming storm. Thanks for... |
 | Norco Sight Bike Check - I Helped Design This Bike Yeah, I'm a nerd at Norco. They don't have anything to do with this channel thou... |
Opis: © CLAUDIO MORTINI - Tra Pienza e Montepulciano (SI), si affaccia sulla val d'Orcia il borgo di Monticchiello, una meraviglia, pieno di scorci deliziosi, diverso dalla classica meta turistica della toscana da cartolina piena di negozietti finti e turistici: qui c'è un ristorante, un bar e un negozio di tessuti, niente più.