Find, ID and learn its peculiar biology - Star chickweed

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Star Chickweed (Stelaria pubera ) is a true native spring woodland wildflower that has a very unusual growth habit. Not to be confused with non-native invasive Common Chickweed (Stelaria media), Star Chickweed has much larger, showy, star-like flowers. You can identify Star Chickweed by its paired oblong leaves, stem branching to flowers and showy white flowers with distinctive dark colored anthers. The unusual biology of the plant is that it grows a reproductive plant above ground that flowers that is followed by a second vegetative growth with larger leaves and it grows much taller. It is hypothesized that this vegetative growth allows star chickweed to continue to grow and photosynthesize and compete with larger taller plants of spring. This energy is than stored back into roots for vigorous flower and seed production the following year. My channel is dedicated to environmental education, teaching biology and natural history, learning about nature through outdoor experiences. Outdoor learning!