Ferrata Contessi in solitaria

Podobni Video posnetki:
An interview with Joe Brown
Joe Brown, originally a plumber’s apprentice from Manchester, took the British c...
On The Edge
Clipped to a rock hundreds of feet in the air, female climbers embark on a journ...
A girl's first send. A film by Pheobe Mottershaw @theroad2somewhere Entered for...
Lundy - A Walk on the Wild Slide
Watch Johnny Dawes attempt to make a hands-free ascent of the classic The Devil'...
Neil Carson, first person to climb The Big Bang (9a), interviewed
In 1996, Neil Carson climbed The Big Bang (9a) at Lower Pen Trywn in North Wales...
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Ferrata Contessi...
venendo da Milano appena uscito dalla galleria per Ballabio si svolta a sinistra e si va per morterone, dopo 10 minuti un quarto d'ora vi stradina si parcheggia sulla strada pochi posti a disposizione .