Fall When Indoor Bouldering T-Rex, Turtle, Roll

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TRex, Turtle, Roll! More information: http://valcursus.nl

The Basics of falling safely when indoor bouldering
The most important and basic falling technique is the basic roll. Land on your feet, knees shoulder width apart, then absorb the first part of the impact with your legs by bending them to 90 degrees (maximum! If you squat lower you will end up hurting your back!) and absorb the rest of the impact by rolling backwards. Keep your arms in a T-Rex position so that you resist the urge to stick them out (which is very dangerous), round your back to allow for a smooth roll and tense your abs to keep your head up and prevent it from hitting the mat. The bouldering mat is great for absorbing impact, but unfortunately landing on a soft surface can increase the chances of twisting your ankle. So again, it is very important to absorb a large part of the impact by rolling.