Extreme Rope Jumping off Highlines | How Not to Rope Jump

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Not sure why youtube insists on promoting our oldest video about rope jumping still??? We have two others that are way way better! https://youtu.be/0aJAtAwyK4Q and https://youtu.be/tM91hR_X43E

Want to see how we rigged our rope swing off our highline? We also had a nifty way of hauling people back up without them being attached to the haul line. This is high risk and only super experienced riggers should do this only AFTER they have jumped with someone who knows what they are doing. I'm hoping that showing you how to rig a rope swing will overwhelm you with how much detail goes into a safe rig and that someone doesn't see a jump video and think they can clip 2 dynamic ropes to a highline and start jumping off cliffs. Please be careful and don't try everything you see on Youtube!