Extreme canyoning in Himalaya (V7-A7-EX) | Chamjé Khola

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Buy the 52mn-version on WorklessClimbMore website: http://bit.ly/QjptRc
Original soundtrack by Zikali: http://www.zikali.com/

The story about opening one of the biggest canyon in the world. The Chamjé Khola canyon is located right in the heart of Nepalese Himalaya, between the Annapurnas (8091m) and Manaslu (8163m) mountains. The himalayan canyon Team, a French association, opened there more than 30 canyons since 2004, but they had to wait until 2011 to be ready to face the monster whom is Chamjé Khola. Its final exploration required 5 days of effort, with a delicate and snowy access at high altitude, for a 7km