EPS. 3 - MAURITANIA: Breakdown in the middle of the desert! Terjit Oasis and Chinguetti

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The rough ride through Mauritania: Breakdown in the middle of the desert, a trip to an ancient town that gets burried by the dunes, and new friends who helped us solve our problems.
We started off in the mauritanian city Nouadhibou, where we learned how to adapt to local customs. After a short stay in Mauritanias capital Nouakchott we started our journey inlands – hundreds of kilometers in the burning heat with 40 degrees celsius plus. When doing a little excursion to the oasis Terjit we got stuck in deep sand – and my travel partner burnt the clutch of his Africa Twin motorcycle. With the help of the whole village we were able to get to a local guesthouse – but the Africa Twin would not start anymore. While looking for a solution I did excursions to the city Atar and the ancient town Chinguetti, which once was one of the most important cities of Islam. How we solved the problem with the motorcycle? Watch the whole episode to find out if we were ever able to leave the oasis of Terjit!