Podobni Video posnetki:
Na Storžič 22 5 2016
Ansambel Bratov Avsenik - Prelepa Gorenjska (Das schöne Land Krain)...
Na bližnji hrib Pohorje Cigelnica 1147m junij 2016
V Matkov kot Jerebičje škaf 28 5 2016
Z avtoceste lep pogled na gore ki me pričakujejo in po vijajoči cesti v Zgornji ...
Košnja trave 4 junij 2016
Košnja trave doma na kmetiji že druga v tem letu........
Jerebičje 1762m maj 2016
Začetek poti malo pod kmetijo Matko.Pot se večino vije po gozdni cesti do Lesnik...
Don’t worry! Most people who join the group join on their own. We realise that there are lots of Club Senderismo en Londres to choose from so we ensure that new people are made to feel part of the club from their very first trip. Whilst we do have a few couples in the group the vast majority are single people. On any given trip there are always a good number of first timers who have never met anyone from the group before. Everyone seems to relax immediately and by the end of your first event you will have no doubt swapped contact details or shared photographs with lots of new friends.