Edge of Time 5.9

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In this video Almost Heaven Climbing Team member Cam Kellar comes back to Colorado to send the mega-classic the Edge of Time. After dogging up the runout 5.9 last year, Kellar had to return to conquer his demons and send the route. Located around ten thousand feet in elevation, the Edge of Time climbs an eighty-five foot aesthetic granite fin overlooking fourteener Longs Peak and Lily Lake. This route boasts four bolts and a pin, just enough to feel secure, and anchors. Located in the Jurassic Park crag of Estes Valley, the Edge of Time is accompanied by a great number of other amazing sport climbs such as Andrology 5.12a, CG's Naked Fun Time 5.10b, Coloradoditty 5.6, and Middle Toe 5.9. Videos of these can be seen in our Colorado Climbing Trip video as well as in soon to come raw footage of each of the climbs. Stay tuned!!!