DYNAFIT - The technology behind the Mezzalama collection - Trofeo Mezzalama

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Mezzalama Trophy is the world ´s highest alpine ski mountaineering race. Benedikt Böhm reveals what it takes to be succesfull in the competition.

The race takes place every two years in the Monte Rosa massif, in the shadow of the Breithorn, the “Klein Matterhorn” and the famous twin summits Castor and Pollux. The classic route runs from Breuil-Cervinia to Gressoney-La-Trinité. In the course of 45 kilometers (28 miles), there are 2,862 vertical meters of climbing (9,390 feet) and 3,145 meters (10,318 feet) of descent. Several points on the course reach above 4,000 meters in altitude, including the ridge of the Castor summit, which is quite exposed and in places only 30 cm wide (12 inches).