
Podobni Video posnetki:
built for the mountains - BMC Insurance
BMC Insurance: built for #themountainsFind out more: https://www.thebmc.co.uk/sk...
David Mason boulders Grampians classics
Showcasing the great variety of rock in the Grampians, including some gems from ...
This film is simply a wake up call to the dangers of a sedentary life and the ho...
A Golden Day
Distance Runner Nicola Squires is a marathon winning local legend based in North...
Just for Fun
Lucy Ross, 13, having fun at the The Climbing Academy, Glasgow. Alex Lowe famous...
Prekjučer smo bili na južnom Velebitu, preko Dušica na Sv. Brdu, meni najljepšem vrhu Velebita. Dušice su prekrasna visoravan prošarana velikim vrtačama ispod koje se nalazi pl. sklonište. Radi se o vrlo ugodnom skloništu na super poziciji, zaklonjenom od vjetra.