Drumeție la Muntele Bocului

Podobni Video posnetki:
Solomon's Seal and False Solomon's Seal
I am following the succession of blooms of spring woodland wildflowers. These tw...
A Native Deciduous woodland-habitat flowering magnolia - Cucumber Magnolia
When you say Magnolia most people think of the grand evergreen Southern Magnolia...
Wintercress and Golden Ragwort Spring Roadside Wildflowers
Do you know your spring roadside wildflowers as you cruise down country roads an...
Allegheny Mound Ants
Allegheny mound ant (Formica exsectoides) A native species to our area, these an...
Rock Castle Gorge Trail 5 7 20
Muntele Bocului este un sat din Munții Apuseni, Masivul Gilău-Muntele Mare. Administrativ aparține de comuna Băișoara. Satul este situat la altitudinea de 1200m iar accesul se face pe un drum de țară.