Dosso di Costalta

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Yoga for Climbers | Improve Your Hip Flexibility
Sidonie (@sidoniegabriella) is back with us today to give you a specific climbin...
Lattice Training - Training with Will Bosi
In this episode, we join Lattice athlete Will Bosi, for a training session at th...
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Lattice Training - The Worlds First 9b?
The world's first 9b? Maybe.... maybe not! Or is it just a really hard 9a+?! Thi...
Lattice Training - Shoulder and Neck Health for Climbers
In this episode, Ollie talks us through some of the reasons why climbers can suf...
Salita invernale al Dosso di Costalta, 1955 metri, organizzata dal Club Alpino Italiano Sezione di Este. Il Dosso di Costalta si colloca, in cima alla valle del Fersina, a dividere
la stessa dall'altopiano di Pinè. Si tratta di un'escursione facile,