Dopis iz šolske klopi

Podobni Video posnetki:
Life is not dress rehearsal - Appalachian Trail 2021
The journey starts here (Subscribe): Trail Angels and Trai...
Melide to A Salceda 24.93 km - A Coruña - Camino Frances Map 31
The journey starts here (Subscribe): Angels and Trail...
Territet to Saint-Maurice, 26 km - Via Francigena in Switzerland - 35
The journey starts here (Subscribe): Enjoy the perks: http...
Lausanne to Territet, 30.9 km - Via Francigena in Switzerland - 34
The journey starts here (Subscribe): Enjoy the perks: http...
Vuiteboeuf to Orbe, 11.8 km - Via Francigena in Switzerland - 32
The journey starts here (Subscribe): Enjoy the perks: http...
Dopis iz šolske klopi
Pri rajtanji nam je bilo še posebno všéč, de je pridni šolnik, gospod Jakob Mencinger, otroke navadil vse iména, zaznamke in pravila pri številstvu v čisti slovénšini dopovedovati te vsakdanje šole, ki je na Bistrci u našmo Bohinji … …