Dolomiti di Brenta Settentrionali | Monte Peller

Podobni Video posnetki:
Manphibian (9a), Mt. Charleston
Psyched to do this climb. FA by Andy Raether…The slab crux at the top is super s...
Spyfiction 8c+, Mt. Charleston
Nice little pit bull route established by Andy Raether....
Crux of Mouthbreather (8c/+)
Heres a clip of the powerful crux sequence of a rarely done route up at Mt. Poto...
Powerplay (8c), Frankenjura
A Frankenjura classic! Love the intense movement through the crux....
Zentrifuge (8b+), Frankenjura
2nd go 100 percent humidity send ahah...
#rockthemountain #valdinon #dolomitidibrenta #dolomiti #trentino #montepeller #malgatassulla #girodelpeller #drone #gopro #outdoor #hiking #trekking #giroadanello #mountainfamily

Il Monte Peller lo vediamo da casa, è un panettone tutto verde d'estate e bianco d'inverno.