Dolomiti 2019 ziua 2, partea 1, Marmolada

Podobni Video posnetki:
Mill House Microgreens//Growing Microgreens
In this video Dixie starts her microgreen business and takes us along for the pr...
Building Mill House Microgreens Shelving RE-UPLOAD
Dixie is working on her side business of Mill House Microgreens! Here she goes o...
Charlie's Bunion// NCHike Day 3
AT Gear List: A Th...
Homesteading 2//Fermenting Apple Juice
This week we make some announcements and Dixie teaches you how to make some appl...
Homesteading 1//DIY Composter
In this new segment on the channel, Dixie is going to teach you a little about h...
In a doua zi a excursiei, am urcat cu telecabina pe Marmolada, cel mai inalt varf al Dolomitilor, singurul cu ghetar permanent din acest masiv. Am avut parte de o vreme insorita ce ne-a permis sa admiram frumusetea Dolomitilor de la cea mai mare inaltime. Apoi am vizitat satul Sottoguda, unde am gustat din inghetata si prajiturile traditioanale. In continuare am urcat Pasul Fedaia- 2057m pentru a admira Lacul Fedaia. In drum spre casa ne-am oprit si la Alleghe, o statiune pitoreasca pe malul lacului cu acelasi nume.