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A profile of mountain photographer | Livesey Light
Nick Livesey discovered the mountains of Snowdonia over a decade ago and finally...
Training for V17 Boulders with Aidan Roberts
Aidan Roberts is now a common name among the hardest bouldering accents in the U...
The Hardest V11 in the World | Strength Vs Grade
Training for climbing has become as impressive or recognized as 'actual climbing...
3 Quick Drills for Climbing Stength
We love board climbing as a training tool for climbing, especially for developin...
The Climber's Guide to Choosing the Best Shoes
Are you looking to take your climbing game to the next level? One of the most im...
Per la salita al Monte Colac ho deciso di trasformarmi in un grande puffo blu, a volte goffo ed impacciato ma spero simpatico e divertente ;)
La mia faccia stravolta (come sempre) la dice lunga sulla settimana intensa di ferie che ci siamo fatti io e Nico in Dolomiti !! (prossima volta non alloggio più in tenda con 10 gradi e magari scelgo una vacanze al mare ?? scherzo ovviamenteee ;) )