dolina Belega potoka | ledno plezanje | Stiriofobija

Podobni Video posnetki:
Scottish winter climbing on BMC International Winter Meet
A short film giving a taste of what you might be in for on a BMC International W...
New Montane X BMC climbing clothing range
We've teamed up with our partners Montane to launch a new collaborative clothing...
Take part in the Arc'teryx Big Mountain Weekend 2020
The Arc’teryx Big Mountain Weekend will be taking place from the 8th - 10th May ...
Nick Bullock climbs King Wad (E5) on BMC International Meet
Connect with international friends, climb with like-minded people, go wild over ...
Adam Ondra finds wild climbing in Chile | It's another dimension
'My conclusion is that all of you should come. It's Awesome'. Adam Ondra has bee...
Zaledeneli slap Stiriofobija se nahaja dolini Belega potoka. Težavnost slapu je izrazito odvisna od količine ledu. Tokrat sem Stiriofobijo plezal tretjič, po težavnosti je bila nekje skladna z 'uradno' oceno, vendar tako močnega 'naliva' kot tokrat, še nisem doživel.