Das nehme ich mit! @maximiliangierl | SKITOUR

Podobni Video posnetki:
Kayaking Through The Etowah River Mine Tunnel(almost flipped)
We whitewater kayaked through the mine tunnel when the water was pretty high at ...
Kayaking The Biggest Underground Room And Pillar Mine
This is the second video going into the enormous room and pillar mine. If you ha...
Exploring The Biggest Underground Mine
This is a massive marble mine makes any other mine/cave look tiny. This could be...
Small Crack Turns Into A WIDE Mine Shaft
This adit was the widest mine I have seen, Probably 50 foot across. Most of it i...
Ranchers Lost Horses Invade Our Campsite
We were woken up by the noise of rustling bushes the day after 4th of july. I gr...
Hier ein paar Insights was ich auf Skitouren dabei habe.

Gear I use:

Canon 5d Mk IV: https://www.digitec.ch/de/s1/product/canon-eos-5d-mark-iv-body-3040mpx-vollformat-fx-kamera-5887807