Das Beste von unseren Campern 2022 – Teil 2

Podobni Video posnetki:
DAY4 | Via delle Bocchette | Via Ferrata Dolomites: Via Ferrata Brentari
The Via Ferrata Brentari is the logical continuation of the Via delle Bocchette ...
DAY3 | Pale di San Martino | Cimon de la Pala | Via Ferrata Dolomites: Via Ferrata Bolver Lugli
The Via Ferrata Bolver Lugli is a long climbing on the right side of the big wal...
DAY2 | Pale di San Martino | Via Ferrata Dolomites: Via Ferrata del Velo + Porton
The combination of the Via Ferrata del Velo della Madonna plus the Via Ferrata d...
DAY1 | Pale di San Martino | Cimirlo | Via Ferrata Dolomites: Via Ferrata Dino Buzzatti
The Via Ferrata Dino Buzzati at the Cimirlo peak in the Pale di San Martino (sou...
Sassolungo | Discovery Dolomites: Regular Route of the Cinque Dita peak
The regular route of the Cinque Dita peak at the Sassolungo Dolomites is one of ...
Daniel Aßmanns Ausblick auf das Campingjahr 2022 geht weiter!
Vom Dachzelt bei Minusgraden über die Wohnmobilfamilie mit Pferden und Hunden bis hin zum Trend Expeditionsfahrzeuge - Daniel zeigt, was möglich ist, worauf man achten sollte und was schiefgehen kann.