Danger or tourist attraction - Volcano erupts 20 miles from the captial of Iceland

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Nature at Your Door goes on the road to Iceland to visit the site of the most recent volcanic eruption that occured recently only 20 miles from the reykjavik iceland! Travel with me as I walk on some of the newest rock on the planet earth. I go on a tour guided by a geologist with Geoadventures and learn more about the eruption. Iceland has more active volcanos than anywhere else in the world. Its position on the mid-atlantic ridge, a tectonic spreading center, centered over a magma hot spot makes it a unique location. Its northernly position lends to the glacier that sit on top of the volcanoes. In this video I explain the history of this recent eruption and the geology behind it. I explain how Iceland is formed by volcanos and magma cooling into basaltic rock and how glaciers shape the land mass. Check out my story on the Fagradalsfjall volcano and its recent eruption.