Podobni Video posnetki:
The bigger the failure, the greater the lesson | Ski lesson 13
The bigger the failure, the greater the lesson!Più grande é il fallimento, maggi...
There is no such thing as BAD weather, only different kinds of GOOD weather | Ski lesson 12
There is no such thing as BAD weather, only different kinds of GOOD weather! ~Jo...
If possible don't give the chance to girl to say:'What did I tell you?' | Ski lesson 10
If possible ... don't give the chance to a girl to say:'What did I tell you?'Nel...
There is good reason if dad says:'Full spead ahead!' | Ski lesson 11
There is a good reason if dad says:'Full spead ahead!'C'è un buon motivo se papà...
Facial expression is everything | Ski lesson 9
Facial expression is everything!L'espressione facciale é tutto!More on: www.usta...
Un dels recorreguts per cresta més clàssics del Pirineu que ens porta d'una forma elegant fins al cim del Posets, segona màxima alçada de la serralada. Recorregut llarg però bastant assequible pel que fa a dificultat i amb poques opcions d'escapatòria, Precisa de bona méteo i segons els components del grup d'un mínim de material de seguretat. A final de temporada són necessaris piolets i grampons.