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Hidden Faces Ep 1 - Freeride Skiing Les Portes du Soleil
Location: 'Pointe de Ripaille' in Les Portes du Soleil. We really enjoyed the f...
Hidden Faces Ep 10 - Skiing Couloirs in Iceland is Incredibly Satisfying
For this 10th episode we wanted to do something special, so we decided to go to ...
Hidden Faces Ep 9 - Unintended Risky Skiing and Unnecessary Touring
For this adventure, we went to Ovronnaz with the goal to ski a beautiful north f...
Hidden Faces Ep 8 - Getting Lucky in the East of Switzerland
The wind hammered through the alps in different directions and ruined all the pl...
Hidden Faces Ep 7 - We Found Fun bowl and had some Early Season Struggles
First lines of the season! On FATMAP we discovered this zone which is hardly vis...
La Cova Cambra és sense lloc a dubtes la cavitat més coneguda de Ports, situada a dalt de la Mola de Catí i molt propera al refugi homònim. Si disposem d'un vehicle de carrosseria alta i podem accedir per una pista de muntanya amb inici a la zona del Mascar que ens deixa a menys de set-cents metres del refugi fins al qual no hi podem arribar perque una barrera de control ens ho impedeix, cal demanar autorització prèvia.