Podobni Video posnetki:
Comment affûter et entretenir ses broches à glaces
Conseils d'utilisation pour affûter correctement, et pour entretenir ses broches...
In the footsteps of Fernand Petzl | 'Immersion' | Caving in the Gouffre Berger
Team Petzl retraces the steps of the first explorers (Joe Berger, Fernand Petzl,...
Sur les traces de Fernand Petzl | 'Immersion' | Spéléologie au Gouffre Berger
Le team Petzl revient sur les traces des premiers explorateurs (Joe Berger, Fern...
Rock climbing in Greece | Petzl RocTrip Kalymnos 2006
For the 8th Petzl RocTrip, the Petzl team boarded a boat and headed to the Greek...
Tony Lamiche sends 'Mandala' sit-down-start (V13) Bishop, USA. 2002
During the Roctrip Bishop in 2002, Tony Lamiche sent the first Sit Down Start of...
Bellissia escursione in vetta tra il Comelico Superiore e le Dolomiti di Sesto. Punto di partenza al Rifugio Lunelli alla Selvapiana 1568m. Su sentiero 101 si sale al Rifugio Berti al Popera a 1950m di quota. La bellissima Val Popera, il suo piccolo lago omonimo e, raggiunta Forcella Popera a 2291m, la croce di vetta della Croda Sora i Colesei a 2371m.