Climbing Daily Trailer - PANAMERICANA: A Trans-Continental Climbing Series

Podobni Video posnetki:
Schneealpe | Windberg
Výstup na Windberg cez Lohmgraben, Blarergraben a zostup cez Almgraben....
Výstup na Ötscher (Austria) cez Rauher Kamm. Reparát sme robili normálkou na vrc...
Scary forest
Scary forest full of ice.Strašidelný les plný ľadu.Z blata do 'bieleho zlata'.So...
Jesenna prechadzka do Rakuska spojena s ferratou pre zaciatocnikov 'C' Franz Sch...
Klettersteig | Gebirgsvereins
Hohe Wand - Gebirgsvereins - Klettersteig , Türkensturz - Pittentaler Kletterste...
Alaska is the home of many climbing adventures and is the starting place of Ines Paperts and Luka Lindic transcontinental climbing adventure...

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