Climbing Daily Ep.2053 - The Beta Breaker Who Became French Champion

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Winterraumherbstabschlusstour 2013. Anfang November ging es nochmal in das Gebie...
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Bergtour am 24.08.2013 auf die Watzespitze (3533 m) über den Ostgrat. Die Schlüs...
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Im Juni 2013 waren wir 4 Tage auf der Hermann-von-Barthhütte in den Allgäuer Alp...
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Vorgeschmack auf den Bergsommer: Anfang Juni ging es von Ebnit bei Dornbirn auf ...
All the Black Diamond gear for HARDCORE climbing:

Over the years Fanny Gibert has been a spectacle to watch on the competition scene, her flexibility and techy skills kept her at the top of the game for over a decade. We caught up with her during the Innsbruck World Cup to find out more about the current season and her future Olympic plans...