Climbing Daily Ep.1733 - The Lost Gear Show Videos

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Viterbo | Castel D'Ischia da Nepi | 18/12/2021 Castello dell'Agnese
#abruzzotrekking1962 #fidenetrekking #castellodellagnese #casteldischia #nepi #v...
Vallerano | I 3 eremi, San Lorenzo, San Salvatore, San Leonardo | 15/12/2021 Grotta dei quadratini
#abruzzotrekking1962 #fidenetrekking #grottadeiquadratini #grottadeifinestrini #...
Monti Lucretili | Laghetto di Percile | 13/12/2021 Sentiero dei lupi
#abruzzotrekking1962 #fidenetrekking #sentierodeilupi #montilucretili #percile #...
San Giuliano - Via degli inferi dalla Banditaccia - 12/12/2021 Le 5 cascate di Cerveteri
#abruzzotrekking1962 #fidenetrekking #cerveteri #banditaccia #sangiuliano #ladis...
Calcata | Torre e Ipogei | Chiesa di S. Maria di Castelvecchio | 11/12/2021 Necropoli La Petrina
#abruzzotrekking1962 #fidenetrekking #mazzanoromano #calcata #calcatavecchia #vi...
Our gear shows cover a range of different topics, from cams to trad shoes, belaying to big wall climbing. We noticed that some of you wanted videos and tips that we have already released so we thought we would revisit some older shoes and help you find the information you need.