Cinematic Presentation - Looking Glass Rock, Moab, Rock Climbing & Epic Free Hanging Rappel

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Zimná sezoná 2015/16.. ukončená. Mini zostrih NAJ.. :) akcií. Tatry Vysoké - Níz...
Priedhorie Climb.
Lezecká oblasť Priedhorie pri Považskej Bystrici....
2011 | Volia veža
Vyrobeno v programu CyberLink PowerDirector 9...
Ošarpance 2011
Vyrobeno v programu CyberLink PowerDirector 9...
Súľov - Roháč - Hrad - Gotická brana - Suľov...
This was a Quick & Convenient Adventure 20 minutes south of Moab Utah on HWY 191. For the effort, this trip offers quite a Thrill in a Striking Setting. The Rock Climb starts up a Blunt Ridge, 5.7, reaching the top of a Huge & Hollow Slick Rock Dome in 3 pitches, AKA a Petrified Sand Dune. To make things even more interesting, there is a Giant Opening/Window in the Deepest part of the Enormous Cavern, The Looking Glass! All this adds up to create an almost Surreal Experience as you Rappel through a Narrow Slot and Dangle, Free Hanging like a Spider as you lower into the Amazing Amphitheater like Chamber. We ended up using a Single 70m rope FROM the SLOT RAPPEL and it just BARELY reached the ground with Rope Stretch, Intense! DJI drone footage used throughout...