Can this spring flower really break rocks apart - Early Saxifrage

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Early Saxifrage Micranthes virginiensis get its name from latin meaning stone breaker! Can it really break stones apart? It is one of the first of the woodland ephemerals to bloom in early spring hence the first part of its name. It can be identified by delicate 5 petaled white flowers and scalloped edged green basal leaves with often maroon underneath. The stem is pubescent or hairy, functioning to prevent ants and ground beetles from reaching the flowers, saving nectar for its winged pollinators. Saxi means stone, frage means to break apart, so the name means stone breaker. The name seems to be related to the fact that it often grows up between cracks in rocks were other plants may not be able to gain a foothold. It is unlikely this tiny delicate plant is any more a stone breaker than any other ephemeral spring flowers. My channel is dedicated to environmental education, teaching about nature and natural history. I included the unique biology of organisms in every video.