Podobni Video posnetki:
| ski de La Fava depuis Mayens de My, Sortie Cas Monthey, Valais, Suisse, 07-03-2020 Coppet - Mayens de My - Forêt du Plapon - Pointet - La Fava(2462m)16km1460m D+... |
| Passerelle de la Grande Combe en boucle depuis St. Martin, Val d'Hérens, Valais, Suisse, 01-03-2020 St. Martin - Passerelle de la Grande Combe - Ossona - Suen8km500m D+... |
| Hiking Switzerland, Schatthorn(2085m) loop track from Lenk, Bern, Suisse, 22-02-2020 Lenk - Gibel - Schatthorn - Laubbarglihiking Switzerland... |
| Hiking Switzerland, Mare(2090m) depuis Walried, Simmental, Bern, Suisse, 16-02-2020 Walried - Vorder Richysalp - Mare(2090m)hiking switzerland... |
| ski de Pointe de la Vouasson(3489m) depuis La Gouille, Val d'Hérens, Valais, 15-02-2020 La Gouille - Lac Bleu - Pointe de la Vouasson(3489m)14,40km1660m D+Val d'Hérens,... |
Opis: Welcome to the original reason I started this channel… Highlining 101 or “How to use a highline that is already set up.” This is 80 short videos squished into 6 categories and 7 videos. You can skip along in the chapters in the timeline or watch the whole thing. If you are a pro, we recommend you share this series with new highliners before you take them out for their first adventure. This also would be great if festivals recommended this to anyone arriving that might have never done it before.