Bunkerji na Rapalski meji pri Uncu

Podobni Video posnetki:
Yosemite - The World's FIRST 5.13 (7c+) - THE PHOENIX
The Phoenix is one of the finest rigs around! Check out one of my best buddy's T...
Airstream 5.13 a/b | Finding our Limit at the Incredible Hulk
Jake and I went up to the Hulk and Finally met our match. A rad adventure with o...
The Journey to Climbing my First 5.12a
Brittany climbs her first 5.12a - Cocaine Rodeo - in Ten sleep Canyon, Wyoming!...
installing 400W solar in my van to live off-the-grid
I slowly lose my mind as I install solar in my van for the first time. But in t...
South Face of Washington Column - Climbing Yosemite's Easiest BIG WALL
Another day, another big wall. Absolutely Classic climb with free climbing, han...
Rapalska meja je po 1. Svetovni vojni grobo posegla v Slovenski etnični prostor in današnji Sloveniji odvzela kar 1/3 njenega ozemlja. K sreči so naši dedje in pradedje v 2. Svetovni vojni del tega ozemlja priborili nazaj in danes lahko uživamo v lepotah Primorske, Krasa, Bovškega konca...