Buckskin Gulch the Worlds Longest Slot Canyon

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Monte KucerDolina Rezije je deželica v objemu kamnitih velikanov Zahodnih Julijs...
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Slap v Črnem potoku
Monte KucerDolina Rezije je deželica v objemu kamnitih velikanov Zahodnih Julijs...
Blake and Danny try to redeem themselves after failing to complete Buckskin Gulch the first time around. 27 miles of hiking and 15 miles of biking all in one day. Has the duo bitten off more than they can chew? Or does their capacity for adventure equal the size of Steven Tylers mouth? Watch and see or if your blind have a friend watch and describe what he's seeing. Better yet, turn off this video and get outside, enjoy some fresh air, have an adventure. Wait no, leave the video on I need all the views I can get.