Bohinjski poganski kult

Podobni Video posnetki:
World Wide Trekking Travel Plans Summer through Fall 2019 ➤ After returning home from his Transatlantic Sailing trip, D...
Trek Tips - Exploring Horta in the Azores, Portugal - Day 2 ➤ Dean talks a bit about the beautiful island of Horta and th...
Trek Tips - The Island of Horta in the Azores, Portugal - Day 1 ➤ The crew sets foot on land for the first time in weeks on t...
Trek Tips - Arrival in the Azores, Portugal ➤ Land ho! Dean and the crew now have Horta, Azores within vi...
Trek Tips - Transatlantic Sailing - Day 14 Sailing to Azores ➤ With less than 100 miles to go until reaching the Azores Is...
Bohinjski poganski kult
Na posvečenem prostoru, nekdaj zaščitenem z ogrado, danes stoji Orožnova koča. Kdor dvomi v mističnost tega prostora, naj si ga pozorno ogleda v času zimskega solsticija (pred božičem), kako ga sonce obsije za dobro minutko ob 12.35 za 11 minut ... ...