Bohinjska Planinska Pot

Podobni Video posnetki:
Hike from Merlen over Mürtschenfurggel to Habergscchwänd (2021/06/13)
The Alpine Taxi picked us up from Murg Station and deposited us in Merlen where ...
Spring hike from Oensingen to Balsthal (2021/05/14)
Oensingen lies at the edge of the Jura mountains. From here you can immediately ...
Hike to Ponte Tibetano and San Bernardo church (2021/03/07)
I imagine this would be an extremely hot hike to do during summer, but as a pre-...
Easter hike from Varen over Raspille Waterfall to Salgesch (2020/04/03)
The sunny side of the Wallis valley is ideal for Spring hiking. We walked from t...
Day tour in the Hölloch caves (2021/02/13)
We went deep into the earth and spent 8 hours in the Hölloch, on one of the long...
Bohinjska Planinska Pot
Bohinjski planinski društvi sta ponovno obnovili Bohinjsko Planinsko Pot, ki jo je bistriško društvo odprlo leta 1978. Pobudo za izpeljavo poti je že kmalu v sedemdesetih letih dal učitelj Egon Mihelič, posvečena pa je bila spominu nanj ... ...