Black Cohosh/Black Snakeroot/Black Bugbane on the Applachian Trail

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This plant was used in traditional medicinal by indigenous peoples and is still used as herbal remedy today. Know as Black Cohosh, Black bugbane, Black Snakeroot, or Fairy Candle (Actaea racemosa) is a tall midsummer woodland wildflower. I observed it on the Applachain Trail as I was north bound near Harpers Ferry West Virginia. The plant has a very tall flower stem with a raceme of white flowers reaching almost 6 feet off the ground on a long almost leafless stem. Medicinally it was uses and still is used for menstral and menopause related ailments. The flower are distinctive and showy drawing your attention to them on woodland walks. In the video you can see close-ups of the stem and leaves for identification. I am not a practicing herbalist and information here is only presented as historical and present education. I do not recommend consumption of this plant.