Podobni Video posnetki:
Emergency packing for hill walking
Outdoor writer and photographer Chris Townsend presents this series of hill walk...
How to take grid reference
Outdoor writer and photographer Chris Townsend presents this series of hill walk...
How to know your different jackets types
Outdoor writer and photographer Chris Townsend presents this series of hill walk...
Highlights of the BMC British Bouldering Championships 2012
A short clip from the 2012 BMC British Bouldering Championships at Cliffhanger F...
BMC British Bouldering Championships 2014
The highlights of the 2014 BMC British Bouldering Championships at the Climbing ...
Quiero dar las gracias de todo corazón, a toda la gente suscrita al canal y a todo aquel que me regala parte de su tiempo en ver mis vídeos. NO SOY YOUTUBER, ni pretendo serlo....simplemente soy un corredor amateur que graba lo que hace, de manera sencilla, sin trucos, ni pijadas. Te invito a acompañarme en esta loca, sincilla y bonita aventura.