Biatlon na Pokljuki

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via Gammertallücke | October 23rd, 2021...
The Most Difficult Traverse So Far - Cathedral Traverse
It’s hard to believe that people do the whole grand traverse, both cathedral and...
'Ratstaman Vibrations' 9b FA by Alexander Megos
Alexander Megos has made the first ascent of Ratstaman Vibrations, a project bol...
Punta dell Agnello 2736m Bivacco De Toni dalla Val Marden. Dolomiti di Sesto
Monte Popera 3046m da Moso BZ Dolomiti di Sesto
Biatlon na Pokljuki
Na Pokljuki je bil organiziran od 01. do 09. decembra 2018 svetovni pokal v biatlonu. BMW IBU Svetovni pokal v biatlonu - Pokljuka 2018 ... ...