Bhutan - Land des Glücks

Podobni Video posnetki:
Dolomites | Monzoni | Discovery Dolomites: Via Ferrata Bepi Zac
The via ferrata Bepi Zac is one of the best via ferratas original of the first w...
Dolomites | Marmolada | Padon ridge | Discovery Dolomites: Via Ferrata delle Trincee
The climbing of the via ferrata delle Trincee is on the Padon Ridge exactly oppo...
Marmolada | Discovery Dolomites: Regular Route Punta Penia
The regular route of the Punta Penia in Marmolada is a historical climbing in th...
Marmolada | Discovery Dolomites: Via Ferrata Punta Penia
The via ferrata of Punta Penia in Marmolada is one of the best via ferratas of t...
Sella Group | Discovery Dolomites: Via Ferrata Piazzetta
The via Ferrata Piazzetta on the Sella Group in the central Doomites is a diffic...
Geheimnisvolles Bhutan: in das 'Land des Donnerdrachens' dürfen Touristen nur mit Genehmigung. Mitten im Himalaya, über 2.000 Meter hoch gelegen, erwarten sie grüne Wiesen und Wälder, enge Schluchten und die glücklichsten Menschen der Welt!