
Podobni Video posnetki:
NOKep6 - The Big Chasm
A foot powered mission into the belly of the beast. Through the polar night in L...
NOKep5 - The ladies are back: skiing steep, dark, icy chute with lots of cliffs. In snow storm.
The sun has stopped rising in the arctic of Norway, and we team up with Merrick ...
NOKep4 - - Three days after the avalanche: COMEBACK TIME
A classic ski touring day in the arctic winter, with a sharky snowpack, epic lig...
NOKep3 - I got hit by an avalanche
As you can tell by the video, it was very unpleasant, and made me question how I...
NOKep2 - Pedal to the metal terrain, skiing truly brilliant line
The October skiing adventures continue, and we do our best to tackle difficult a...
Dank der stark besonnten, windgeschützten Lage ist Bezau ein viel besuchtes Winter- und Sommerurlaubsziel. Die Bergbahnen Bezau bringen Skifahrer wie auch Snowboarder direkt in das Schigebiet Niedere, ein familienfreundliches Schigebiet mit 20 km präparierten Skipisten