Best of 2018 | Bergsüchtige Singles & Headshaker

Podobni Video posnetki:
lineB PORCINO | blocco 36 | sector curva | Daone Boulder
video linked to the Daonebouler climbing guide: -...
line A MANITE | blocco 36 | sector curva | Daone Boulder
video linked to the Daonebouler climbing guide: -...
SUCCHIA SANGUE | line B | blocco 63 | sector dos Dei Aser | Daone Boulder
video linked to the Daonebouler climbing guide:
line D | blocco 63 | sector dos Dei Aser | Daone Boulder
video linked to the Daonebouler climbing guide:
line F | blocco 17 | sector dos Dei Aser | Daone Boulder
video linked to the Daonebouler climbing guide:
Zusammenschnitt unserer gemeinsamen Touren des Jahres 2018!
Darunter die schönsten Sachen gemeinsam erlebt.
Touren in Chronologischer Reihenfolge.

78 Touren, 67 Gipfel, 1.222 gewanderte KM, 80.432 HM gemacht, Gehzeit: 268 Std.