Bergtour Gr.Wiesbachhorn 29.08-2017

Podobni Video posnetki:
Sweden - Hiking Alone - Scenic Cliff Hike
Incredibly beautiful hiking trail but the scene where I stand on the edge was no...
Motala - Winter Solo Hiking - A Land Of Hiking Trails
I think this is a perfect description of Sweden, a country of hiking trails. The...
Winter Solo Hike - Hiking Nordic Blizzard
I knew it was going to be a snowstorm but I just had to go on this trail. I will...
Solo Hiking - Motala - Winter Scenic Hike
Winter hiking through the beautiful landscapes of southern Sweden. The snow-cove...
Winter Solo Hike - Below Zero Hike
Although the first part of winter here in the north was not typical 'Nordic wint...
Hallo Leute
Dies ist eine wunderschöne Bergtour die ich jeden empfehlen kann, der folgende Voraussetzungen mitbringt:
Kondition, Schwindelfreiheit, Trittsicherheit, Ausdauer sowie etwas Erfahrung mit Klettern.