Bergamo) | Biv. 'TESTA' (Val Vertova | Monte 'SEGREDONT'

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Gecko Assis 8B+ - BD Athlete Carlo Traversi
The sit-start to Gecko had been on my mind a lot since climbing the stand. From ...
Karma 8A+ - BD Athlete Carlo Traversi
There isn’t a more legendary boulder than Fred Nicole’s iconic Karma. Pure, simp...
Gecko 8A+ - BD Athlete Carlo Traversi
Gecko looks and feels impossible from the ground. The left hand sloper you slap ...
Les Beaux Quartiers 8A - BD Athlete Carlo Traversi
Following the same start as the sit-start to Gecko, but finishing to the right, ...
Kheops 8B - BD Athlete Carlo Traversi
The archetypal Font classic. A blunt aréte that doesn’t really make sense until ...