Beauty and Intrigue in Nature - Dutchman's Breeches

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One of the most beautiful and unique of all the ephemeral spring woodlland wildflowers is Dutchman's Breeches ( Dicentra cucullaria). It gets its name because its flowers look like a dutchman sailors panteloons flapping in the breeze. Like other native plants it is pollinated by native bees. In this case the bumble bee which is the first bee to become active in the spring, co-evolving with the host plants. Only bumble bees have a tongue long enough to reach nectar in the spurs of the flowers. Other species of bees have learned to circumvent the opening to get to the nectar, by passing the anthers with pollen, by cutting off the spurs! Essentially robbing the plant of its nectar with out the transporting pollen fee! Dutchmans breeches is toxic to mammals if ingested. The alkoloids in this plant work on the brain and nervous system and may cause grazing mammals like sheep or cows to struggle walking. For this reason it is also known as Staggerweed. The seeds of this plant are transported away to sprout by ants! The seeds have an attached eliasome. The eliasome contains protiens, lipids, vitamins and minerals. The ants gather the seeds and take them to their nests not to eat the seed but to remove and consume the eliasome. The seed is then discarded often in a pile or rich organic waste perfect for germination. My channel is all about learning about nature and learning outdoors. My videos are intended for environmental education, homeschoolers and anyone wanting to learn about biology and nature.