Backpacking 40 Miles Alone in the Oregon Wallowas

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IG: @radishuprooted
The Wallowas are a hidden gem of a mountain range located in North Eastern Oregon, on the border with Idaho and Washington. They are geologically considered a sub range of the American Rockies, and are surprisingly different from the Oregon Cascades, just a few hours away. At some turns seeming like the Colorado Rockies, at others seeming like California's Sierra Nevada, and sometimes like the Pacific Northwest Cascades, the Wallowas are full of surprises. My route starts and ends at the Lake Wallowa Trail Head outside of Joseph, and clocks in at 40 miles over 4 days and 3 nights. The route starts up the East Fork of the Wallowa River to Aneroid Lake, up and over Tenderfoot Pass and Polaris Pass, crossing the West Fork of the Wallowa River, past Frazier Lake to Glacier Lake. From there, it continues up and over Glacier Pass into the Lakes Basin before heading down and out via the West Fork of the Wallowa River to the trail head. Happy hiking!