Backpacking 35 Miles through Goat Rocks Wilderness

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IG: @radishuprooted
Goat Rocks is a highlight of the Washington Cascades along the Pacific Crest Trail -- Full of alpine meadows, wildflowers, glaciers, craggy peaks, and views of massive volcanoes in all directions. Our 35 mile route took us 3 nights in the backcountry. We started at Walupt Lake Trail Head in the Gifford-Pinchot National Forest, hiked up Nannie Ridge to connect with the PCT at Sheep Lake. From there we crossed over Cispus Pass and camped in the basin. On day 2, we continued up past Snow Grass Flats to the Class 3 scramble up the summit of Old Snowy and out across the infamous Knife Edge before finding a camp spot on a ledge outcropping for the night with majestic views of Mt. Rainier, Mt. Adams, and Mt. St. Helens. On day 3, we left the PCT to follow the Packwood Glacier Trail down to Goat Lake, and across the pass to connect with the Lily Basin Trail. We took that trail down to Chambers Lake, and then followed the Klickitat Trail back to Walupt Lake for the final night. Questions on our route, conditions, or gear? Feel free to comment below!