Back in The High Life 5.10b

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In this video Almost Heaven Climbing Co. goes to one of Morgantown, West Virginia's littler known sport climbing crags called Army Rocks. Located just outside of Coopers Rock State Forest, this impressive crag offers a range of quality sport routes. Here, climber Cam Kellar sends Back In The High Life, a fun 5.10b. Kellar was able to snag this line on his second go. Starting with a mantle move into juggy and ledgy climbing to the first bolt, the route offers a cool move into a slanted seam followed by more chill climbing and a good rest. Past the rest you gain an awkward clip into an amazing finish at the top. This route is one of the best lines on the main wall. Additionally, we are honestly not sure about grades and names at this location so feel free to share any information on this spot.