Avert1 | MTB Spiazzi di gromo

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Obergabelhorn ab Zermatt
Skyrunning to the Obergabelhorn starting in Zermatt on August 1 2019....
Dent Blanche 4357m in day (Wandfluegrat)
Skyrunning to the top of Dent Blanche from Ferpècle in Valais/Switzerland...
Sunnigberggrätli aufs Nünalphorn
Nice Scramblking over the Sunnigberggrätli up to the Nünalphorn 2374m...
Blassen- und Jubiläumsgrat ab Hammersbach
Trailrunning over two ridges up to the Zugspitze, the highest Mountain in German...
Watch this, loud and with earplugs and you understand, why we go out in nature...
Spiazzi di gromo pista Avert1 prova speciale Coppa enduro Lombardia ecl postpranzo