AO) | Via classica da Prailles (Etroubles | Scialpinismo | 2476 mt | Monte Paglietta

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Lighting - ICE FALL: Webisode 03
The Frost Giants of Norse mythology were huge, cold and practically indomitable....
The Crew - ICE FALL: Webisode 01
The Frost Giants of Norse mythology were huge, cold and practically indomitable....
Trip to Norway - ICE FALL: Webisode 02
The Frost Giants of Norse mythology were huge, cold and practically indomitable....
Scandinavian Frost Giants - ICE FALL: Night Ice Climbing
The Frost Giants of Norse mythology were huge, cold and practically indomitable....
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Altra gita molto facile e classica del circuito Skialp Gran San Bernardo - il Monte Paglietta.

Questa montagna è facilmente riconoscibile in quanto sovrasta il comune di Saint-Oyen ed è sempre in bella vista salendo per la Strada Statale verso il traforo del Gran San Bernardo.